Wyre Forest Gamers Summary of Games 2023
The information below relates to games played on club Sundays in 2023. There were twenty-four meetings at Holt and St Ambrose and a total of 143 games were played, an average of 6 games per session (this represents an increase of 18% on the previous year). There were 456 attendees for the whole year, an average of 19 members per meeting (this represents an increase of 32% on 2022).
Game Popularity by Scale
In the legend, “Other” refers to table top games that did not use figures, i.e. naval and aerial warfare
“None” refers to board games
There was one game played where I had absolutely no information and I have marked this as "unknown".
Game Popularity by Rules
I individually listed only rules that have been played multiple times. The “other” column, therefore, consists of rules that were only utilised once.
The column titled "John's Rules" refers to the numerous occasions where John F used his own rules or utilised articles published in wargame magazines decades ago.
The games played only once in the year were Across the Bug River, Another Glorious Day in the Corps, Blood and Plunder, DBMM, Dux Bellorum, Et Sans Resultat, Frostgrave, Graham's WWII rules, Kill Team, Loose Files and American Scramble, Lord of the Rings, O Group, Sails of Glory, Seven Days to the River Rhine, Spearhead, Star Wars Legion, Strength and Honour, Victoria Cross.
Comparison to 2022
Games played with 28mm figures massively increased in popularity this year with 62% of all games played at the club being in this scale. This was largely at the expense of 15mm scale games whose proportion dropped significantly. Too Fat Lardies' rules were the most popular (21% of all games played), a 40% increase on last year. In terms of period, WW2 remained dominant and fantasy games held up well while ancient and modern periods showed relative declines.