Campaign Map showing main Battle Areas
Ratings for all scenarios: -
The battalion morale of both sides is rated as Combat Effective.
The British and German battalion HQs are classed as First Rate.
Both sides’ troops and their supports are rated as Regular.
Map Key: -
Green lines = attacker start line
Blue lines = forward defence line
Red circles = objectives
Scenario 1 - the attack on Granville, 8th July
Attackers - 2nd South Wales Borderers
Defenders - 1st Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment
British Support Options
The British are allowed 20 points of support plus 2 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion list
British Artillery Missions
The British Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - two artillery missions
5 or 6 - three artillery missions
German Support Options
The Germans are allowed 16 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion or field defences lists.
German Artillery Missions
The German Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - one artillery mission
5 or 6 - two artillery missions
Both battalions use the standard game deployment
Gently rolling countryside with a slight elevation to the south-west. The table should contain many small fields and orchards separated by bocage hedges. The stream to the southwest is classed as rough terrain. The objective circle at Granville should contain a farm building which counts as a BUA. To capture this objective the BUA should be exclusively occupied by attacking troops. A further BUA should be placed on the road to the east adjacent to this objective.
Counter-Attack Map for Scenario 1
Terrain instructions as for the attack scenario
For the number of artillery missions, use the same rules as for the attack scenario.
Contemporary aerial photograph of the Granville area
Scenario 2 - the advance on la Croix des Landes. 8th July
Attackers - 2nd Battalion the Essex Regiment
Defenders - 2nd Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment
British Support Options
The British are allowed 20 points of support plus 2 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion list
British Artillery Missions
The British Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - two artillery missions
5 or 6 - three artillery missions
German Support Options
The Germans are allowed 16 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion or field defences lists.
German Artillery Missions
The German Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - one artillery mission
5 or 6 - two artillery missions
Both battalions use the standard game deployment
Gently rolling countryside with elevations to the north-east and south. The table should contain many small fields and orchards separated by bocage hedges. The Bois de St Germain is a major feature to the west and centre of the battlefield and is classed as rough terrain. La Croix des Landes is a single BUA. To capture this objective the BUA should be exclusively occupied by attacking troops. The second objective should be identified by some suitable marker.
Counter-Attack Map for Scenario 2
Terrain instructions as for the attack scenario
For the number of artillery missions, use the same rules as for the attack scenario.
Contemporary aerial photograph of the Bois de St Germain area
Scenario 3 - the attack on the ridge south of la Couarde, 31st July
Attackers - either 2nd South Wales Borderers or 2nd Glosters
Defenders - either 1st Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment or 3rd Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment
British Support Options
The British are allowed 20 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion list
British Artillery Missions
The British Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - two artillery missions
5 or 6 - three artillery missions
German Support Options
The Germans are allowed 14 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion or field defences lists.
German Artillery Missions
The German Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - one artillery mission
5 or 6 - two artillery missions
Both battalions use the standard game deployment
The ridge of St. Germain d'Ectot runs from the south-west corner to the north-east and ideally should be represented by a slight elevation across the table. The table should contain many small fields and orchards separated by bocage hedges. The western-most objective should contain one BUA, a stream (rough going), a bridge and a track (dotted line on map).
Counter-Attack Map for Scenario 3
Terrain instructions as for the attack scenario
For the number of artillery missions, use the same rules as for the attack scenario.
Scenario 4 - St Germain d'Ectot and Candon, 1st August
Attackers - either 2nd Essex or 2nd Glosters (only if this battalion has not been used in Scenario 3).
Defenders - either 2nd Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment or 3rd Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment (only if this battalion has not been used in Scenario 3).
British Support Options
The British are allowed 20 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion list
British Artillery Missions
The British Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - two artillery missions
5 or 6 - three artillery missions
German Support Options
The Germans are allowed 14 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion or field defences lists.
German Artillery Missions
The German Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - one artillery mission
5 or 6 - two artillery missions
Both battalions use the standard game deployment
The ridge of St. Germain d'Ectot runs from the south-west corner to the north-east and ideally should be represented by a slight elevation across the table. The table should contain many small fields and orchards separated by bocage hedges. The village of St. Germain d'Ectot should be represented by three BUAs, Candon consists of one BUA and a bridge (the streams count as rough terrain).
Counter-Attack Map for Scenario 4
Terrain instructions as for the attack scenario
For the number of artillery missions, use the same rules as for the attack scenario.
Scenario 5 - Launay and the capture of Anctoville, 1st August
Attackers - this assault must be executed by 2nd Glosters
Defenders - defence must be undertaken by 3rd Battalion 277th Infanterie Regiment
British Support Options
The British are allowed 18 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion list
British Artillery Missions
The British Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - two artillery missions
5 or 6 - three artillery missions
German Support Options
The Germans are allowed 12 points of support plus 1 D6. At least seven points of support must be selected from the battalion or field defences lists.
German Artillery Missions
The German Commander rolls a die to determine the number of missions: -
1 to 4 - one artillery mission
5 or 6 - two artillery missions
Both battalions use the standard game deployment
The ground should rise gradually to the centre of the table. The table should contain many small fields and orchards separated by bocage hedges. Anctoville (the objective in the south-east corner) should be represented by three BUAs, the objective to the west consists of one BUA.
There is no counter-attack option for this game. The scenario ends when one side withdraws, either voluntarily or by force.