Polemos GNW Gaming Research and Resources

Welcome to the Gaming Research and Resources page. This group aims to provide high quality gaming and historical resources based on high quality historical research by experts in the subject. Initially these will be mainly on gaming subjects but on a variety of subjects over time.

The focus will be on difficult, hard to find periods and subjects with the initial material focusing on the Great Northern War (1700 - 1721) and the War of the Spanish Succession (1701 - 1714).

Army Lists

They usually contain a full order of battle for the army and other information so may be useful in this context. Check the list of available army lists for more details. Click here to view the extensive selection.

NEW: Package Deals: We plan to offer various package deals each with themed groups of army lists or other material. The first of these covers the Swedish Royal Army.

PD/1 The Swedish Royal Army (1700 - 1709): This package includes all the lists relating to the Swedish Royal army, the army commanded and led by the Swedish King, from the start of the war until its defeat at Poltava and surender at Perevolochna in 1709. £10.50

PD/1a The Swedish Royal Army (1700 - 1709) Reduced: As above but without the Narva (1700), Kliszow (1702) and Poltava (1709) lists which are included in the Polemos: GNW rules book. £7.50

For more details click on Army Lists above.


Initially the only scenarios available are samples for Polemos: Great Northern War rules. We hope to add more soon.Click here to view the sample scenarios and list of forthcoming scenarios.

How to Order

Each list or scenario is £0.30 per page. At the time of writing (Feb. 2006) this means that individual items are between £0.60 and £3.00 (2 to 10 pages).


All material is in 'pdf' format. To look at it you will need 'Acobat Adobe Reader'. Download this for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

The army lists, scenarios and other materials are available by three methods.

Electronically by e-mail:

Sent directly to your mail box as an attachment to an e-mail.

A flat rate of £0.50 is charged. Remember to include the e-mail address you wish the material sent to. Please also insure that there is sufficient room in your 'Inbox' to accept delivery, especially with large orders.

On a CD by post:

The information is burned on to a CD for you and then posted to you.

A flat rate charge of £1.20 is charged for the CD and burning the information on to it.

Postage and packing for a CD is £1.30 for Europe and £2.40 for the rest of the World.

Printed copies by post:

We print the material for you and then post them to you.

We charge £0.06 per page for addresses in Europe and £0.08 for addresses in the rest of the World. This price is for printing and postage. The minimum cost is £1.30 for Europe and £2.40 for the rest of the World.

Order Form and Price List

You can download the order form/price list here Click here It is in the form of an Excel sheet to which you can add you requirements and then send to me. Alternatively you may send your order by mail to me, see the address below.

The order form will automatically calculate the price of your order. But to be on the safe side always ask for confirmation of the price before ordering.

Contact us at Click Here


Payment can be by cheque, by PayPal if you have an account or via PayPal and using your credit card if you do not have a PayPal account. Payment must be in British Pounds (£ or GBP).


Please make all cheques payable to: N.Dorrell.

Contact us at WFGamers for our postal address.


You do not have to have a PayPal account to use this. You can pay using your credit card via PayPal. Make payments by PayPal to hwiccee@hotmail.com .