Polemos GNW - The Battle of Gemauerthof

Photos of the Battle of Gemauerthof: A Polemos Great Northern War Game

On this page I have put some excellent photographs of some Great Northern War games. The figures were painted, terrain made and the game staged by Ian Cluskey and Keith Gendle of the Humberside Wargames Society at the Partizan show in the UK.

The games were fought using the Polemos: Great Northern War rules. These rules are part of a series of rules for large scale actions with any scale of figures.

The figures are all from the excellent ranges of Baccus Miniatures - yes they are 6mm!!! They show what can be achieved with this scale and how this scale can capture the feel of a real battle. Of course it helps if you have talented painters, organisers and players like Ian and Keith.

Please feel free to ask questions, make comments, criticisms, etc - please contact me. I will pass comments on to the games creators.

The Battle of Gemauerthof 1705

Gemauerthof was a historical battle that happened in 1705 in the Baltic area. It was fought between Lewenhaupt's 'rag tag' Baltic army and a Russian 'flying column' of mainly Dragoons with a small amount of infantry mounted on horses.

The first refight of this battle ended with victory for the Swedes. But the Russians are hoping for a second chance soon :)

Army lists for these armies are available here - Army Lists.

For other photos see here - Other Photos