Principles of WWII Normandy
The first game of 2024 played at Tom's house in early February. My thanks to him for the words and pictures.
This game is a 6mm Principles of War 1944 Normandy game in order to test rules options for reserves and air support. The scenario will be a British infantry battalion with an armoured battalion with mobile artillery support attacking a Volksgrenadier battalion plus supports with two armoured companies (one each Panzer IVs and Panzer Vs) with armoured Panzergrenadiers in reserve.
In the game itself the Germans occupied four company strength positions manned by Volksgrenadiers and attached anti-tank guns and one support company with attached heavy mortars. In reserve they had one company of Panzer IVs and another of Panzer Vs each with an attached armoured Panzergrenadier platoon.
In the first turn, the British reconnaissance units move forward and find three German company defensive positions. The off table artillery fire and aircraft hit the central German defensive position. Then the armoured battalion (less one company) moves up on the right. An infantry company with the detached armoured company in the centre and the remainder (three infantry companies, one support company and two platoons of self-propelled artillery on the left).
The attack on the British right devolves into a close range fire fight between the armoured battalion and two German defensive positions, which, at the end of the game were both on their last legs. In the centre, the British armour and infantry developed their attack on the German central position but the infantry attack is stalled by heavy fire from the German support company. However, once the British get their support units into place the German are wiped out. In the meantime. the British infantry attack on the left is stalled by an ongoing German off table artillery barrage.
On turn two the German Commander in Chief manages to contact their reserves but they fail to arrive until turn four, just in time to fill the gap created by the loss of the central position, and to stall the British attack.
The main issue brought up was how to handle ‘close assaults’ to get a more decisive result.